OMRON: No More Waiting for a Second Chance at Life
We only have one heart, and only one life. If there’s one person who understands the importance of living life to the fullest, it’s Kuya Kim Atienza. The Filipino television host, actor, and weatherman suffered a stroke over two years ago, and he knows how fortunate he is to be given a second chance at life.
Kuya Kim’s Second Chance at Life
Although the watersports enthusiast hosted two sports television shows in his youth, Kuya Kim’s focus on fitness took a backseat after he ran for councilor of Manila, got married, and concentrated on his role as husband and father of three. Even after giving up politics and returning to TV, he recalls his bad eating habits, intense stress levels, and overall unhealthy lifestyle.
Kuya Kim’s stroke has made him see things differently, and he has since then vowed to take better care of his health and his heart. He joined his first run only eight months after his brush with death, joined his first marathon in Bordeaux, France, and later began to add cycling and swimming to his mix of physical activities in order to train for triathlons.
Today, the 46-year-old’s lifestyle has completely transformed, and he continues to cross finish line after finish line. He watches his food intake more thoughtfully, has a renewed love for exercise, and knows how important it is to monitor his blood pressure at home on a daily basis using Omron.
Omron, Trusted Around the Globe
According to Dr. Raffy Castillo of the Philippine Society of Hypertension, it is paramount to have an accurate measurement of blood pressure for proper diagnosis and monitoring. “However,” he states, “we consider a reading accurate only if validated Blood Pressure devices are used. Digital Blood Pressure Monitoring devices are required to be recognized by medical authorities before it is considered to be accurate and reliable enough for home use.”
Omron, proudly validated and the only brand verified and accredited by the Philippine Society of Hypertension, is a healthcare brand trusted by millions of people around the globe. Omron’s line of home-use products such as blood pressure monitors allow and encourage individuals of all ages to take a more hands-on role when it comes to managing their own health.
Advances in technology and years of research have made Omron digital blood pressure monitors exceedingly exact in their readings, which is why these devices have become the standard in homes both around the country and worldwide.
Accurate Readings Through Patented Technology
This extensive range of blood pressure monitors has garnered a remarkable reputation for its accurateness, thanks to its patented Intellisense Technology that applies the exact amount of pressure in order to attain quick, comfortable, and precise measurements. Selected Omron blood pressure monitors also feature Irregular Heartbeat Detection, which indicates irregular heartbeats while blood pressure is being monitored so that the user can opt to consult with a medical professional.
These blood pressure monitors, notably the HEM 7211 and HEM 7221 models, are packed with features such as a Dual Check System, which shows the user if the device is operating correctly, and also comes with a Cuff Wrap Guide, which indicates whether the cuff is wrapped properly on the arm. When asked about proper monitoring, Castillo states, “Education on the proper technique of taking BP is important. Faulty readings are usually caused by several reasons, like poor knowledge about the equipment being used and the lack of motivation to really keep records.”
Omron’s line of blood pressure monitors is ideal for the average Juan. These devices provide an easy and consistent interpretation of blood pressure readings, average the last three readings that are taken within a ten-minute period, and some models come with a memory that allows the user to review readings with date and time stamp. For maximum comfort, these monitors also come in a range of upper arm and wrist units.
Caring For Your Health From the Comforts of Home
Omron devices were built to empower individuals to live healthier, fuller lives, and this is why both Omron and Kuya Kim strongly encourage the daily monitoring of one’s blood pressure in order to prevent and improve common health issues such as hypertension.
“Proper Blood Pressure monitoring and charting is the responsibility of each patient to himself,” Castillo remarked. “It is important that patients keep up to date records, even at home. That way, they have accurate records to show their physician so he can diagnose the patient properly during follow up medical appointments.” Why wait for an attack or a heart ailment to shock you? Now there’s no more reason to sit & wait for evident signs of heart disease. Omron gives you a reason to take care of your health now and monitor your blood pressure from the comforts of home.